* My dotfiles The config files are organized in emacs org files. They are tangled and symlinked to the appropriate directories. [[file:emacs-init.org::*tangle%20dotfiles][A hook]] tangles all files automatically on each save. ~emacs-init.org~ is special and not automatically tangled. The >100 src blocks make tangling take several seconds and ~org-babel-load-file~ in ~init.el~ tangles the init org file on each emacs start anyway. For now the symlinks need to be created by manually running the appropriate src block in each configuration file. * Window manager I use [[https://github.com/ch11ng/exwm][exwm]] and [[https://awesomewm.org/][awesome]] as my window managers. When doing a lot of coding and similar stuff I tend to use exwm as I will spend most of my time in emacs anyway.